
by Isaye Barnwell | Sweet Honey In the Rocks

Origin: By Isaye Barnwell. On Sweet Honey in the Rock’s album by the same name. Melissa did a workshop with Isaye Barnwell where she said “If you’re going to sing my songs, you better not change them.”

Listen more often to things than to beings

Listen more often to things than to beings

‘Tis the ancestors’ breath when the fire’s voice is heard

‘Tis the ancestors’ breath in the voice of the waters

Zah, whsshh, aahh, whsshh

Those who have died have never never left

The dead are not under the Earth

They are in the rustling trees

They are in the groaning woods

They are in the crying grass

They are in the moaning rocks

The dead are not under the Earth so

Listen more often to things than to beings

Listen more often to things than to beings

‘Tis the ancestors’ breath when the fire’s voice is heard

‘Tis the ancestors’ breath in the voice of the waters

Zah, whsshh, aahh, whsshh

Those who have died have never never left

The dead have a pact with the living

They are in the woman’s breast

They are in the wailing child

They are with us in our homes

They are with us in this crowd

The dead have a pact with the living

Listen more often to things than to beings

Listen more often to things than to beings

‘Tis the ancestors’ breath when the fire’s voice is heard

‘Tis the ancestors’ breath in the voice of the waters

Zah, whsshh, aahh, whsshh