Come connect with one another and the spectacular wild places around Ithaca! Give your mind, body and spirit the rejuvenating gift of moving through and connecting with the earth, wind and water of this special landscape

Ages 12-17 | Four Saturdays 11:00AM – 5:00PM
Location: Various Locations along the Finger Lakes Trail and other natural places around Ithaca!

Come connect with one another and the spectacular wild places around Ithaca! Give your mind, body and spirit the rejuvenating gift of moving through and connecting with the earth, wind and water of this spectacular landscape.

Hike 4-8 miles each hike on local trails in a variety of terrains, habitats and geologic features
Learn about safe distance hiking: planning, what to wear and bring, map reading and compass use, dealing with emergencies, weather and seasonal changes, caring for group members.

Deepen your understanding of local geology and habitat types, plant species, animal signs and tracks, how to read the changing landscape, local human history, and leave no trace principles.

Explore opening your senses while you move as well as taking time to be still and soak in special places. And of course, make new friends who love exploring too!

Three Saturdays:

October 14th
November 4th
December 2nd

Coyotes on the Move Program Fee
Fee: $215-$315*

Choose your price sliding scale*