Rachel Bortin

Rachel grew up playing outside in the Hudson Valley area. She enjoys hiking, biking, camping, exploring, playing sports, and recently became interested in birding. She began camping with her family at less than a year old at a campground in the Catskill Mountains and still goes there till this day. Rachel loves being outside regardless of the activity and has a passion for working with children and youth.

She has worked as a counselor, mentor, and instructor at various camps in New York and even worked as a forest preschool teacher for a year before coming to Primitive Pursuits.

The reason she does this work is to keep her love, curiosity, and passion for the natural world alive while simultaneously helping others to establish a relationship with the natural world. She believes the outdoors can bring out the best in each of us and can help us see and find the unique gifts that we bring to the world.

As soon as Rachel came on the scene at Primitive Pursuits, she started making plans for bringing overnight camps back to the Arnot Forest, and this summer, those plans have been made real and we are welcoming campers back to the beloved field campus’ cabins, fields, forests and streams.