As our Fall welcomes in crisp and beautiful days, it also welcomes wet and cold weather. These unique challenges of Fall weather make up an important part of our school-year programming. As we say at Primitive Pursuits, there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing! This post is meant to provide more guidance on dressing for these situations. We are looking forward to weathering these days and their challenges together with your children!
Upon arrival, you and your child will be asked if they have the items from the following lists. If they do not have ALL these items, you will be asked to return home for these items.
We recognize that outdoor gear can be an expensive investment. If there is a financial barrier to affording weather-appropriate clothing/gear, please contact our office at
If you have clothing/gear that your children have outgrown, is in good wearable condition and are looking to donate, please contact our office at
Cold Weather Clothing and Gear (Rainy/wet or snowy weather):
1. Outer layer JACKET and PANTS:
- For weather where temperatures will be at or above freezing and there is any moisture (ground is wet/snowy or precipitation is forecasted): Waterproof JACKET and Waterproof PANTS
- For weather where temperatures are below freezing and there is no precipitation: Warm JACKET and Snow PANTS
2. TOP: Several long-sleeved base layers (pack an extra)
3. BOTTOM: 1-2 long pants base layers (pack an extra)
4. Warm SOCKS (pack an extra pair)
5. Insulated, waterproof FOOTWEAR
6. Warm HAT
7. Warm MITTENS (pack an extra pair)
9. FACE MASK (pack an extra)
10. Personal HAND TOWEL
11. Warm FOOD & WATER (see below)
- If your child does not want to wear these items on the car ride to program, don’t worry! Please send them with your child so that they have them when they are ready to put them on.
- Food/Drink: Bring warm food and drink in insulated containers. Try to pack food that your child enjoys that is also full of nutrients and fat to help their body stay warm! Most children will eat more and drink more water when joining us for adventures in the woods than they might on another day, especially in colder weather. We recommend packing more snacks than your child might usually eat and a full water bottle that can hold about 1 liter/32 oz (in addition to a lunch, for programs that occur during a meal time). Food high in protein, healthy fats and fiber – such as hard-boiled eggs, jerky, nuts, cheese, etc – provide lasting fuel for active bodies!
- If the temperature will rise above freezing during program, do NOT wear items advertised for SNOW (snow boots, snow pants, snow jackets). Snow pants and jackets will act like a sponge in temperatures above freezing, and snow boots are rarely waterproof above the ankle.
- Extra clothes: Pack extra clothes (base layer top, base layer bottoms, socks, mittens, face mask) in a plastic bag in the backpack.
- Mittens: As a part of our COVID-19 precautions, we are asking families to send children with clean mittens to each program day