the first week of camp – diving into the senses
The first week of camp has been sunny (and a bit muddy!) but the activities are underway. This week is all about the senses, so the groups spent times at various campsites where they delved into nature and what it means to interact with the outdoors. The beginning of the week was spent bonding with each other and settling into nature. The Forest Village group spent some time playing games at Turkey Knoll, while the Mallards group ventured to Beaver Pond where they used surrounding materials to build and light a fire. The Wood Ducks group spent time at Hearth Camp where they practiced their carving skills.

A camper from the Wood Ducks practices carving.

Campers from Forest Village practice rock drilling.
Deeper into the forest, groups were having fun doing hands-on activities like building a staircase down to the creek. Instead of a steep hill, there are now clear stairs made with wood. There is also a sturdy railing. Thank you, Forest Engineers! As always, energetic games of Capture the Flag were happening throughout camp, you can always tell by being able to hear the laughing and yelling from multiple campsites away. Instructors Eli, Ryan, and Sol led a game of Capture the Flag in the forest, while instructors Francesca, Nathan, and Victor led a game in the sunny meadow.
The Purple Finches spent time at White Pine camp making tea by gathering plants throughout the forest. Led by instructors Astrid and Simon, the Finches were shown the correct plants to find and why they would make the tea tasty. The Finches performed plays and stories while they enjoyed their tea.

The Forest Engineers posing with their newly built staircase.

The Capture the Flag group plays their favorite game.
At Trillium Camp, Growing Wild was soaking up the sun, playing in the sandbox and gathering twigs for a fire. Each child was able to contribute by gathering the materials and watching their efforts pay off. Instructor Julie showed the kids the magic in building a fire, they were enamored by the orange flames! Over lunch, instructor Liz told a captivating story about a hungry caterpillar.
At the Front Hemlocks, the Coyote Camp group practiced using their senses of touch and sound to trek their way through the woods to the sound of a drum that instructor Sean was ringing. They then played a game where they had to be as quiet as possible in order to grab a slice of watermelon. If heard, instructor Monica would notice you!
On the other side of 4-H acres at another creek, the Yellow Warblers ventured into the water. Instructors Gwen, Val, and Pax showed the Yellow Warblers all the creative ways to have fun in a creek, including spotting crayfish and making mud paint from rocks.

A Growing Wild camper plays in the sandbox.

Instructor Val and a camper from the Yellow Warblers look for crayfish.
Meanwhile at Arnot Forest, the overnight staff is preparing to start the first week of overnight camp! The close-knit group of instructors spent Tuesday evening making pizza over the fire and making homemade ice cream. The cabins at Arnot Forest are cozy and ready for campers to arrive!