Week Ten time to Celebrate

Week Ten time to Celebrate

It’s our final week of summer camp 2022. This week was all about celebrations and every camp had their own interpretation of this. Join us un the woods during the school year for break days, camps, and more!

Week Nine was full of Magic

Week Nine was full of Magic

It was week nine in the woods and creativity was at its peak. Raven camp started this week and Hilary and JJ organized a camp full of creativity culminating in a play for the whole camp. The Forest Explorers had a wedding, Forest Archers were creeping around the woods

Week 7 is all About the Senses

Week 7 is all About the Senses

Yellow Warblers, Purple Finches and Forest Village visited Fall Creek on Thursday. Campers were asked to notice when they heard a bird and what the cool water felt like on their skin…