In week four campers learned to build shelters and practiced camp kindness.

Text by Ai-Zhen Tung

Week four kicked off with some rain on Monday, yet the energy from the kids was still there. There were a handful of groups hanging out in the pole barn playing games, getting to know each other, and being debriefed on the rules until the rain stopped.

I saw the Yellow Warblers making castles with the dirt, while the rest of their group was playing a game of Waa. Forest Village was having a story time during their snack break. 

In the Front Hemlocks, the Purple Finches had just finished setting up their tarp, and they were planning on playing a game of rock-paper scissors tag, as well as learning about shelter making.


Luna’s Rising enjoys a dinner which baked in baskets created by the camp over the week. The dinner was buried underground with hot rocks and cooked over the course of several hours. Photo: Ben Bookout

In keeping with the theme of the week campers build a shelter that can withstand tropical storm Reed and keep a match dry. Photo: Ben Bookout

Tuesday and Wednesday were perfect sunny days, perfect for outdoor adventuring. On Tuesday, Adventure Academy played Keeper of the Keys, and Forest Explorers went on a scavenger hunt to find the elusive popcorn monster. Luna’s Rising worked together to weave a beautiful mat (there is a video on Instagram @primitive_pursuits)

Alyssa (one of our photojournalist interns) went to Ellis Hollow on Wednesday and watched the campers use bark, leaves and sticks to make boats and race them in the creek. Thursday, she saw the Yellow Warblers play in the creek because it was hot outside. On Friday, the archers competed against each other in different events lke target shooting and can racing. Purple Finches also were making banana boats on Friday.


Camper and a staff member hold an intense staring contest. Photo: Ben Bookout

A camper hangs out on a forest made hammock created by the forest engineers. Photo: Ben Bookout