The water has returned to 4-H acres! The creek that runs through the property has been mostly dry for the past few weeks, but everyone came back Monday morning to a cool, flowing stream that was just rocks on Friday. Crossing the stream took on a new challenge of trying to keep your sneakers dry.

The Forest Engineers took advantage of the new challenge and put their engineering skills to the test. They spent hours building two types of bridges across the stream. One bridge laid right in the creek bed, built with a foundation of rocks and branches laid across the foundation. The other bridge is made of large branches that span the banks of the stream, about a foot above the water.

The Forest Archers paid little attention to the stream, rather directing their focus on their archery skills. Huge improvements were made throughout the week, from starting off at very close range on a sitting target to hitting moving targets on the ground and in the air. They picked their bows on the second day of camp and used the same one every day, becoming close to it and learning its characteristics. Sean gave everyone a unique piece of homework Tuesday night, cluing everyone in on how to be a master archer – close your eyes before bed and shoot arrows in your mind, watch and feel the bow and see your arrows hit the target. Archery is a mental skill just as much as it is a physical skill, requiring focus and determination.
Next week, camp will be held at various locations around Ithaca while the 4-H youth fair takes place at 4-H acres. Get ready for explorations and new adventures!